gua sha

Gua - to scrape or rub

Sha -  reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash; term used to describe blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissues before and after it is raised as petechiae

 Gua Sha is one technique that intentionally raises Sha

—Functions of Gua Sha:

  • Moves stagnant Qi and Blood
  • —Releases the Exterior (mimicking sweating)
  • —Moves the Fluids

Promotes circulation and normalizes metabolic processes


—Indications for Gua Sha:

  • —Common Cold(treat or prevent)
  • —Flu (treat or prevent)
  • —Bronchitis (treat or prevent)
  • —Asthma (treat or prevent)
  • —Internal or External Pain
  • —Chronic Disorders not resolved by herbs, moxa, acu, massage (stubborn recurring pain)

—What the color of Sha might tell you:

  • —Lighter, Brighter color is fresher (Recent w/c attack)
  • —Darker color – older blood stasis
  • —Brown – blood dryness
  • —Pale to slightly red - blood deficiency
  • —Purple/Black – longterm stasis (pt will usually feel better right away)

Facial Rejuvenation dates back to the Ming Dynasty and jade stone is believed to be the stone of longevity. Using jades tone as a gua sha tool for facial rejuvenation is still a common practice now.

The jade stone is used to help keep the skin supple, reduces wrinkles and restores a youthful appearance.