GX sciences | Your Gene Knowledge Empowerment

Our GX Sciences gene panels assess your foundational bio-chemistry.  Thanks to the work of Dr. Kendal Stewart and DNA researchers, our specialized nutrigenomic tests answer questions to health concerns and supplementation which was previously unknown.  Say goodbye to a trial and error approach to supplementation and the mystery of your unique DNA functions.   Not only will your results tell you what supplements will benefit you, it will more clearly inform you on your pursuit to obtain optimal health. 

Neurological soothing, Increased Energy, Increased Focus, Inflammation Control, Sleep Quality, Calming and Mood Balance, Increased Pain Tolerance, Cellular Cleaning and Immune Strengthening are all objectives you can expect to experience when you apply our treatment protocols.   

You will discover any panel specific genetic polymorphisms you have.  You will obtain a detailed treatment plan which includes dosages and a timeline. 

Dr. Faddis also provides you with Dietary Recommendations based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. 


our Holistic Health approach

1. Methylation - how the body is absorbing, transporting, and converting fuel  

(Related to 250+ bio-chemical processes)

2.  Autophagy - cellular cleaning and recycling

3. Mitochondria - the powerhouse of the cells, hormone regulation, neurotransmitter foundation, memory, and immune  activation

(Basically noted as the ‘battery’ function of the cells and an absolutely foundational cellular mechanism)

4. Neurotransmitters - how the body is communicating (cognitive, sensory, and mood functions)

5. Detoxification - how is the body eliminating non-water-soluble toxins and preventing oxidative stress (clearing inflammatory agents which inhibit immune, metabolic processes)

6. Inflammation - mechanisms in the cells where proliferation of inflammation is creating pain and disease vulnerability 

(determine external inflammatory inputs, pain tolerance, mood balance, vitamin deficiencies, immune system energy)


The process

Once you purchase the test, a kit is sent to your location.  The testing entails a cheek swab, which you self-administer in the comfort of your home.  Once you swab, you place the sample in pre-labeled shipping box which is sent to the Genomix Sciences Lab in Austin, Texas, where your genes will be confidentially assessed.

Once received at the lab, your sample is given a number which ensures your identifying information is never discovered.

Your name and address is NEVER stored with your DNA data, which ensure that your DNA information is protected and considered anonymous as it is utilized within our database.  We do not sell your DNA data or utilize it other than to determine health information which will benefit you and the Genomix Sciences Providers who seek to help others discover and obtain optimal health.  

We obtain lab results within 7 business days. 

No Office visit required! 

This process is easily achieved from the comfort of your  home or office. 

Once we obtain your results, we schedule a video conference with you to provide you with our consultation.  

You obtain your Gene Panel Results, Treatment Plan and Dietary Recommendations after the consult. 



Gene test Consultation is conducted via recorded online video conferencing (via Zoom – HIPPA compliant) or over the phone. We will assess your provided intake information and genetics results then will provide you with a GMP-certified supplement plan, dietary recommendations, and any other lifestyle recommendations that are best suited for you.

Supplement costs vary depending on your needs.  Your Gene test results provide us with specific formulation which Dr. Stewart has designed based on his extensive research and clinical practice.  GMP Certified, Neurobiologix formulas keep costs low and minimize the amount of capsules people have to take per dosage.  Supplements are the most important treatment once we have a genetic picture of your cellular processes.  

If you are currently experiencing budget restrictions and can't obtain a gene panel, but want to benefit from our exceptional protocols, an Ouchie consultation with our lead Genomix Sciences Practitioner—Dustin, will benefit you.  These appointments are conducted online (via Zoom, HIPPA compliant).

OUCHIE Consultations will provide you with detailed assessment of your current  presenting conditions. Our intake assessment is free.  Upon assessing your intake information, we determine if we can assist you without preforming a gene panel.  If we think we can help get you to where you want to be without the benefit of a gene panel, we'll schedule a consultation.  Once we conduct the consultation, we will provide you with a detailed treatment plan using Dr. Stewart's highly effective formulas.  Additionally, if your intake presents with conditions we know will benefit from protocols utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine, we will recommend an online consultation with Dr. Faddis or an office visit if you can travel.


What Our Patients are Saying

We were so lucky to have found Ouchie, the treatment our son is receiving has helped overcome a lot of his Autism Symptoms, he has improved in so many areas and keeps showing recovery signs consistently. Ouchie has taken such an amazing care and dedication to our son, they make us feel that we are not alone in this rough battle.
— A & L


You will benefit from Genomics if you Seek Resolution from: