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The GALLBLADDER functions in TCM:
- stores + secretes bile
- controls decisiveness
- controls the sinews

The hours of GALLBLADDER are 11-1pm. When in deficiency, it is common to awake during this time and have trouble falling back asleep.

The decisions of the GALLBLADDER motivate all other 11 organ systems, and play a major role in the physiological + emotional capacity to carry out a plan.

The GALLBLADDER is considered an extraordinary YANG organ in TCM because of its function of storing and emptying a “pure” substance (bile).

The GALLBLADDER transmits heat from the Minister Fire to the digestive organs to help with post meal internal alchemy.

Free flow of bile is dependent on the smooth flow of LIVER Qi.

When the Qi is smooth, the Stomach can digest + the Spleen can transform food into Qi.

Diet, emotional strain + external pathogens can throw the GALLBLADDER organ system out of balance

Imbalance in the GALLBLADDER system tends to manifest as:
• digestive symptoms
• rib + breast distention
• difficulty making decisions
• bitter taste

ROCK ROSE + BEECH /|\ Flower Essences

As we’ve learned, the GALLBLADDER is associated with courage, and the WOOD element when balanced is the “Free + Easy Wanderer”.

ROCK ROSE flower essences helps rebalance a skittish + jumpy Spirit (Shen) back to courageous + confident.

BEECH essence allows the mind to fluidly express, envision + experience goodness.

The combination of these flower essences restore the essential trait of flexibility in all aspects of our life


The location of this point on the head, corresponds to the view from the highest point of the treetops.

It enforces the necessity of being rooted in order to reach the sky.

• clears the brain, calms the mind
• resolves phlegm so that a clear perspective be restored.

Almost every patient gets this point, along with a few others, during their treatment with us.

You can easily massage this point on yourself, your spouse, or your child. See our stories on how to integrate this into your calming toolbox.

The GALLBLADDER controls our capacity to make decisions + the courage to carry them out

It works with the LIVER to plan + follow through with a vision

The GALLBLADDER gives the Ethereal Soul (Hun) movement + is the source of:

• creativity
• planning
• aspirations
• life dreams

It motivates a sense of purpose + direction


this is the meeting point of the sinews - an access point to allow Qi + Blood to relieve pain + stiffness from the tendons + ligaments

This function is significant when it comes to treating Parkinson’s Disease, as it can help ease symptoms of rigidity + improve motor control

This point was included in a observational study for PD. Participants’ brain activity was observed while this point was needled. The stimulation of this point activated the prefrontal cortex, the precentral gyrus, and the putamen, showing much higher brain activity in those areas (PMID: 25220656)

he GALLBLADDER channel starts at the outer edge of the eye + ends at the outside edge of the fourth toe.

Points along the GALLBLADDER channel affect the:

- outer shoulder neck + head
- outer leg + rib cage
- tendons + ligaments
- eye + ear system
- brain + spirit

Image of book: Pálos, S. (1994). Consilium CEDIP acupuncturae: Therapie in Wort und Bild. Ismaning bei München: CEDIP, Med.-Techn. Verl.- und Handelsges.


Following the notion that you can understand functions of acupuncture points by knowing their names, this point has a fun name

I like using this point to help ease:
• PMS: breast tenderness, irritability
• tension headaches

And in more true to it’s name fashion, it can also be used for patients who tend to cry very easily, especially our of frustration + anger